Τετάρτη 27 Μαΐου 2009

San Jose Jazz Festival

San Jose Jazz Festival Salsa Stage
August 8 to 9, 2009
San Fernando St. @ Almaden Ave.

Not only Salsa , but also Brazilian and Cuban music from all genres. Amazing dancers, fantastic music, very high energy. This is one of the most famous and crowded stages of the festival. A must! Family-friendly, but very crowded, with Food vendors and great Arts and crafts.


saturday, august 8
- 12pm: Rumbache
- 2pm: Tito y su Son de Cuba
- 4pm: LaTiDo
- 6pm: Karabali
- 8pm: Pellejo Seco
sunday, august 9
- 12pm: Fito Reinoso y su Ritmo y Armonia
- 2pm: Vission Latina
- 4pm: Candela
- 6pm: Orquesta la Moderna Tradicion
And that's not all…
Besides what's happening on stage, there is a lot more going on at the festival: fun for kids, a jazz mass, an outdoor movie screening, meet the artist sessions, jazz jams, a club crawl, etc. Check the jazz fest EXTRAS to make sure you won't miss any.

Σχολή Χορού Fuente Υμηττού 154 Παγκράτι, 1ος όροφος